Monday, May 2, 2011

underreported struggles 49

Ahni at Intercontinental Cry has some very important underreported struggles this month.
The Alberta government approved a $2.7-billion expansion of the Christina Lake oilsands project, putting even more pressure on the Beaver Lake Cree Nation, their environment, their traditional way of life; and the nearly-extinct woodland Caribou. The Beaver Lake Cree are in the midst of an ongoing legal battle against all tar sands operations within their territory.
The South Dakota Board of Minerals and Environment delayed its decision on whether or not to allow oil drilling near the Sacred site known as Bear Butte. The board previously approved a drilling application; but then reopened the case after determining that it had failed to consider state laws concerning the protection of cultural resources related to property with an historic designation. The Board is expected to make its decision on May 18. Bear Butte is sacred to many Plains Peoples, including the Lakota, Cheyenne, Dakota, and Arapaho.
The Mirarr People renewed their opposition to the multibillion-dollar Jabiluka uranium deposit in Australia's Northern territory, declaring their wish, in solidarity with the people of Japan, to include the deposit as part of the UNESCO world heritage-listed Kakadu National Park. Simply put, the Mirarr want the uranium to stay in the ground, where it can't harm anyone, and so future generations have it to protect.
Bolivia is getting ready to ratify one of the most radical environmental bills in global history, The Law of Mother Earth. The law, which has also been tabled at the United Nations, would give the natural world legal rights, specifically the rights to life and regeneration, biodiversity, water, clean air, balance, and restoration.
The Swedish Supreme Court upheld a decision from the country's lower courts, recognizing the rights of the Sami indigenous people and their ancestral tradition of herding Reindeer. The case had been sitting before the courts since 1997, when 104 Swedish landowners tried to sue three reindeer herding collectives owned by the Sami in the area.
 And many more - please visit Intercontinental Cry and read about these struggles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Bolivia.

I wonder how much their thinking might influence the Mana Party. Bolivia is led by an indigenous eco-socialist president.

Something very inspiring and hopeful for the world. I wonder if green parties may also look at introducing rights of nature in other countries.