Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Official - global warming not maori party's fault

Okay a few home truths.

The maori party have been played by the nats to get the labs disturbed enough that they will adjust their position and form a joint approach to the ETS. The nats have said they will still negotiate with the labs. The maori party approach of still trying to get some concessions is window-dressing by the nats, and foolish by the maori party.

Any of these token gains, like increasing benefits, the bogus halving of the costs over the next few years and so on are just rubbish, when the taxpayers will be funding this countries biggest polluters, and agriculture is still getting a free ride.

Iwi organisations have told the maori party what they want especially in regards to forests and the maori party have given it to them.

Maori didn't create this global warming and it is not up to them to carry the burden of it or take the blame for what the nats and labs do. White, male, middleclass western societies caused it and they should lead by example. Is this country one of those? Surface only, surface only.

The real losers are the greens who have seen all of their mates drop them. And if they think the labs are on their side - think again greens.

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